The before honor is humility
The biblical perspective
The before honor is humility
Pride and humility are two topics that are frequently found side by side in the Word of God. They look strangely like two enemies inseparable. For us Christians, pride may seem like a problem that affects more unbelievers. Unfortunately, it is often the view that we have to face people in this world separated from God. We like to think we're better than them because we are Christians.
Pride produces what it takes to make our life a failure. The proud leaking continuously reality and the truth about himself. You do not become proud because it has been decided. Generally, it is a compulsion that comes from being built too little and too often humiliated by the significant people in early childhood. Thus, an injured person learns to hide what she believes to have shame in it. Moreover, it compensates by being stronger in areas where it believes could excel. Pride is the negation of the true self in favor of another that we invent to make it more acceptable. For his greatest misfortune, the proud must constantly defend the character from which it derives its credibility.
The humble
For its part, true humility can fully succeed his life. Contrary to what one may think, it has nothing to do with this discomfort characterized by fear of assertiveness. In other words, people who do their best to go unnoticed are not humble, but proud. True humility comes from an accurate perception of self and an ability to take product strengths and weaknesses. Aware of what he really is, the humble is not continuously occupied to defend themselves as being himself gives him great confidence in life.
Spiritual Pride
As I said at the beginning of this article, it is easy for a believer to believe that pride is much more prevalent among unbelievers. But in reality, the opposite is true. Most Christians who attend church tend legalistic attempt to hide their weaknesses for fear of being discredited in the middle. Here too we could invent a character tailored to meet Christian standards. While seemingly everything seems to be perfectly under control, everyone knows in his heart that the chaos.
Understanding grace
I am a strong advocate for the grace of God because I know how that grace has the power to free us of lying behavior. If we just see the pride is nothing more than a refusal to grasp the grace of God. Because the proud man lives in fear of rejection of men, his life is a tissue of lies. Any attempt to fight the pride is vain. The proud to receive the grace of God to be able to accept what is real and live free. But God resists the proud man who refuses to approach him as he is, while the humble who presents himself before God is upheld. The humble is necessarily one who humbled himself proud.
«"It gives, however, more grace, which is why Scripture says: God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble." Jacques 4:6
Good week!
Real Gaudreault, pastor of Christian Assembly Bible Speaks Saguenay
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