A Solemn Assembly at hand

A Solemn Assembly at hand An arousing trumpet...
Lars Widerberg 13 octobre 10:33
A Solemn Assembly at hand

An arousing trumpet calls, the mellow tune of a Ram’s horn seeks attention. The intensity of the alarm is intended for immediate spiritual alertness. It is intended to arouse the inner man, intended to generate response from men’s inner being. It will be perceived by hearts trained for listening. The outrightness and soberness of the alarm draws men together. It is a warning issued by Heaven itself. Make no mistake, no options follow. The horn offers a mandate; gather before God for service, for redemptive purpose. Gather in the gap for redemptive purpose. The sound travels in every direction, demanding solemn gatherings.

Men of spiritual stature gathers in response to the call, brought together for the exploring and understanding of the purposes and features of the House of the Lord, brought together to survey the prospects of redemptive exploits by means of godly fellowship under the hand of the Lord. Their longing for righteous living, for godly living, is their main feature and their primary source of influence. “The heartfelt supplication of a righteous man exerts a mighty influence.” Corporate prayer and intercession will have even greater effect unto righteousness and revival.

Habakkuk journeyed alone with the burden of the Lord. His was a prophetic waiting and watching, asking the questions which every solemn gathering is meant to formulate. His solitary position on the rampart, models the Solemn Assembly in its corporate listening for words sent from Heaven regarding judgment and restoration, regarding the priestly work yet to be done to reduce the impact of the onslaught of the enemy. The analysis made by the prophet and his crying out for answers stands as pattern and protocol for the priestly mission which the Church is called to in every place in these last days. And Joel underlines the necessity of the presence of a Solemn Assembly in the final years – in the days of the coming Messiah.

The call of the Ram’s horn signals a warning. But its sound brings men together for exploits which transcends the human frame of mind. The fellowship of these brokenhearted men is aimed at reflecting a Davidic approach to life and living: “Surely I will not come into the tabernacle of my house, nor go up into my bed; I will not give sleep to my eyes, or slumber to my eyelids, Until I find a place for the LORD, a habitation for the mighty God of Jacob.” The House of prayer, the Solemn Assembly, is intended for service unto God. Its perspective is the Father’s perspective – the sovereign lordship of His Son. The House, which the saints constitute, stands in the midst of the world as salt and light – as a confrontative instrument opposing iniquity and darkness.

“His house are we.” His house is a household of priests – men able to stand in the gap. The Ram’s horn sounds for the gathering of men of stature to stand in the gap, defending the nation with its cities. Men of stature, of spiritual maturity, meant to stand in the gap between what is and what is meant to be. Men of stature taking on the tension between what is and what is meant to be – to resolve the tension by seeking God in repentance for a formation unto maturity. The Solemn Assembly, men of stature, mobilizes the covering of protection of God for the oppressed. Revivals begin in the Solemn Assembly – where men and women gather for the sake of a returning to righteousness. Revival, the recovering of the testimony, begins where the longing for righteous living in fellowship and prayer brings men to abandon every other priority.

The Rams horn is calling, the trumpet sounds loud and clear. Men who are trained to listen in the spiritual realm are brought out for a gathering in solemnity and true fellowship for the sake of a restoring of the testimony and for godly living and fellowship in these days of the Messiah, in the days of the coming of the King. Our proper response will bring a dividing between what is godly and that which is unholy. The Solemn Assembly will have priestly repercussions in our cities. The Solemn Assembly will bring a testimony regarding salvation and holiness.

Lars Widerberg

Reading: Joel 2:15-18, Jas 5:17, Hab 1, Ps 132:3-5, Hebr 3:6

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