Meditate speech - Kenneth and Gloria Copeland
There were times when I felt so dejected and circumstances around me seemed so bad it was hard to believe that I was "more than conquerors" even though I knew that God was saying that I ' was.
Genesis 15: 5-6
5 And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and count the stars, if you can count. And he said unto him, So shall thy postérité.6 Abram believed in the Lord, that he for righteousness.
Have you ever hard to believe the Word of God? Not simply an agreement to mind, but really believe what she says will work for you?
I do.
There are times when the promises of God's Word in my mind reeling. There were times when I felt so dejected and circumstances around me seemed so bad it was hard to believe that I was "more than conquerors" even though I knew that God was saying that I ' was.
What do you do when, in your mind, a promise from God wobbles so? You meditate on that promise.
Meditation of Scripture simply means that you think and reflect on the Word of God. This means stopping at a particular passage, and apply it to your own circumstances mentally, again and again, until the passage permanently mark your consciousness.
This type of meditation can affect your life in such a way that nothing else can. This can quite literally alter your thinking. This is what happened to Abraham.
When God told him for the first time he would be the father of a nation, it was an old man. His wife Sara was old. In addition, she had been barren all her life. How a childless couple could he have at least one child, and even a nation? Abraham could not even imagine such a thing. This contradicted his turn of thought as a whole.
But God knew what the fight would have thought of Abram, as he did him no mere verbal promise, leaving then. He gave Abram a picture of this promise that he meditates about it. He took him outside on a starry night, made him turn his eyes to heaven and said to him, So shall thy seed be.
Can you imagine watching all these stars Abram, and beginning to count them? Meet the eyes of his heart in the promise of God?
That's what meditation is. Take time to see the promise of God, until it becomes a reality in you. This is particularly powerful, and focusing on the promises of Scripture that God has given you, you can put it to work in your life as Abram put them in his work.
Do not just read the Word. Meditate today.
Scripture Reading: Romans 4:13-25
Thought for the day this was written by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland
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